Was bedeutet Dublin III?

Almost all European states, including Germany, have agreed among themselves that only one state is responsible for the asylum procedure. The so-called Dublin Regulation (formerly “Dublin II”, “Dublin III”1 since 1 January 2014) is a European regulation that specifies which country in Europe is responsible for handling the asylum procedure. Usually, this is the first state in Europe a refugee enters. This means that your application is possibly not to be decided by Germany, but by another European state, and that Germany may want to send you back to this country.



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  • #1

    wolfegg-helferkreis-fluechtlinge (Dienstag, 02 Dezember 2014 23:20)

    Dublin III regelt die Zuständigkeiten für den Antrag auf Asyl. Das Land über das zuerst von Ursprungsland eingereist wurde ist für den Asylantrag zuständig